Insights from a Group Exercise Guru: A Journey with Stick Mobility

Insights from a Group Exercise Guru: A Journey with Stick Mobility

Welcome to our latest blog, where we shine a spotlight on Debbie Gleeson, a seasoned, passionate fitness professional and part of the Stick Mobility family of educators. In this in-depth Q&A, we explore Debbie's inspiring path in the fitness industry, her transformative experience with Stick Mobility, and how she seamlessly integrates this innovative modality into her life.

Debbie's dedication to movement and wellness began at a young age and has only grown stronger over the years. Her extensive background includes certifications in various fitness disciplines and notable roles as a Master Trainer and Presenter for renowned fitness brands. 

In this interview, Debbie shares her insights and experiences, highlighting the unique benefits of Stick Mobility and its profound impact on her clients. From her initial discovery of the Training Sticks to her collaboration in creating the new Group Training Course, Debbie's story is a testament to the power of innovation and passion in the fitness world.

Join us as we delve into Debbie's personal and professional journey, uncovering the success stories and transformative effects of Stick Mobility. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an instructor, or simply curious about this game-changing modality, Debbie's insights and experiences are sure to inspire and inform.

Personal and Professional Background

Can you tell us about how you got started in the fitness industry and what inspired you to pursue a career in fitness?

I have always loved movement and sports. I was a total tomboy growing up and played all sports, even wrestling. During college, I received my AFAA group fitness certification and taught aerobics at various fitness clubs. After staying home for seven years with my boys, I took on a part-time job at a spa in a tennis fitness club. I decided to get certified in Spin, and it took off from there. I kept going with my certifications in various classes, eventually earning my NASM certification, followed by several more.

Can you share some highlights from your journey in the fitness world?

Highlights include being a Master Trainer and Presenter for Savvier Fitness, Lebert Fitness, and Intelliroll, presenting at SCW for Savvier and IDEA World for Lebert and Intelliroll. Most recently, I worked with the Stick Mobility team at IDEA World a couple of years ago and taught some of their live IG classes.

Experience with Stick Mobility

How did you first discover Stick Mobility, and what drew you to this particular modality?

I met Dennis and Neal (Stick Mobility co-founders) at the NASM Optima conference in Scottsdale back in 2018. I was immediately intrigued by the Training Sticks and knew I needed to learn how to work with them and share this knowledge with others.

Can you describe your experience and background with Stick Mobility?

I took the first available in-person Level I course in my region. I work for Equinox, which collaborated with Stick Mobility, and I started teaching classes. Members have fallen in love with the class. I then completed in-person Level II. When COVID hit, I worked with the team to lead some virtual classes and did it for a couple of years. I then had the opportunity to help at IDEA World and also create a program for Equinox (Best Stretch Ever). Most recently, I collaborated to help create Stick Mobility’s new Group Training Course.

What unique benefits do you think Stick Mobility offers?

It is a game-changer in movement. The stretches and exercises help and enhance movement for every level of fitness, from elite athletes to people needing to rehab and get moving again.

Integration into Business

How has Stick Mobility been integrated into your business and fitness programs, and what role does it play in your overall training approach?

I teach two classes weekly to members at Equinox in Berkeley, CA. It plays a huge role in my training approach. I always warm-up my body before I start moving and have shared this approach with family, friends, and clients. Many, including my sons, now own their own Training Sticks and train with them.

How have your clients responded to the inclusion of Stick Mobility in their classes and workouts?

Once members take a class with me, they are hooked and obsessed. My classes sell out almost every time with a waitlist. Many members have purchased the sticks to have at home.

Success Stories and Impact

Can you share any success stories or transformations you’ve witnessed through the use of Stick Mobility?

I have a regular class member, Nancy, who is not your typical group fitness participant. She is older and had many mobility challenges. Initially intimidated by the class, I encouraged her to keep coming back and provided alternative moves that worked better for her. She has been attending class for four years now and rejoined Equinox because I was back teaching it after the pandemic shutdown. This is just one of many success stories.

Group Training Course

What are your thoughts on the new Stick Mobility Group Training Course and your collaboration on building it?

I am very excited about it! This will be a great addition for Stick Mobility. I have experienced the success of my classes in a group fitness setting, and many instructors want to learn how to teach and program a class with the Training Sticks and make it successful.

Do you believe there is a growing demand for group training sessions using Stick Mobility? Why or why not?

Yes. The fitness industry and science are evolving, with a larger focus on mobility and flexibility to stay fit and healthy. Group fitness is different from personal training, and there needed to be a course that is specialized for Group instructors.

How do you see this new course enhancing the Stick Mobility experience for other instructors?

It is tailored more to group fitness language. Instructors want to feel the equipment and learn how to program a class. The bigger piece is that instructors know the benefits and how to use the stick—grip, irradiation, activation, leverage, etc.

Future and Trends

How has the introduction of Stick Mobility changed or influenced the way you conduct your fitness sessions?

I emphasize the importance of a proper warm-up and/or recovery. The strength work that can be shared is amazing too.

What trends do you foresee in the fitness industry that could align with Stick Mobility's principles?

I can see the sticks being used as a warm-up and cool-down in all fitness classes. They should become a staple.

What advice would you give to other fitness professionals considering integrating Stick Mobility into their programs?

Learning this modality will only enhance you as a coach or group fitness instructor and will greatly benefit your clients and members. It is another tool in the tool box.

Personal Insights

What is your favorite Stick Mobility exercise or routine, and why?

Bow and Arrow! I love how this stretch feels on the body, allowing a great lateral line stretch while providing strength on the opposite working side. It's even better when you hear the class enjoying the move too. It is a game-changer.

How do you stay motivated and inspired in your fitness career?

I need to keep learning and sharing my new knowledge with others. Keeping up with the latest in exercise science and wellness.

Are there any upcoming projects or goals you have that you’d like to share?

I am looking forward to educating more fitness professionals on how to teach a class with Stick Mobility.

See HERE for a taste on the Best Stretch Ever that Debbie helped develop.

You can Debbie Gleeson on Instagram. 

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